Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Your Identity

I am convinced that most people today are unaware of their identity. They do not understand who they are, but are enslaved by their desire to obtain temporal goods. In Matthew 6:19-24, we are taught that where we place our treasure and material resources definitely reflects the deep matters of our heart. And the way we think of our material possessions shows how we feel about our identity and who is in control of our life (priorities).

Our culture is extremely self-absorbed & says that "we own" everything we have. They truly believe our material resources are owned exclusively by us. The world thinks they have arrived and have the right to do whatever they choose with their belongings. They believe no one can tell them what to do. While the Word teaches the opposite - We learn in Scripture that absolutely everything we have is not really ours at all, but really belongs to God. 

God has actually made you a steward over everything He has given you. The definition of a steward is someone who manages the property of another. A Steward is a caretaker who guards and watches over material things with which he has been entrusted. God has made us a manager and a steward over the wonderful things in our lives.

The 'owner identity' says - I can do whatever I desire, while the 'steward identity' says - I should use the resources God has given me to advance the kingdom. The owner identity says I will not be accountable to anyone how I spend my resources, and the steward identity says I will be held accountable to Almighty God for how I use His resources. The owner identity declares I've made my own way - I've earned it.  But the steward mentality says - everything I have is given to me by God.  He is the Divine Owner of everything that He has blessed me with.  It is all His. Not mine.

When you realize who you are in Christ, your focus will no longer be on yourself or material gain. You will understand that it takes money to live, but you will not be driven to live for money. Your identity will be balanced and you will know that God is in control and has promised that if you do your part, He will meet your every need. 

He asks for a tenth of all of your increase as a first fruits offering, a tithe. And as you lovingly and cheerfully surrender that to Him as you are blessed, the lump or the remainder is sanctified and becomes more than sufficient to meet your need. God owns it all and is certainly able to provide for you.  He promises to open the windows of heaven in response to your action of obedience and pour blessings out to you in such abundance - you will not have room enough to receive them.