Monday, February 17, 2025

All Things For Good

There are times when life throws us some lemons and somehow we feel as if we hold the short end of the stick. The truth is when we have a bowl of lemons, we do not want to make lemonade. But we must rise up above the emotions of our present circumstances. There is a Scripture we must strive to remember.  Romans 8:28 teaches, "All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called, according to His Purpose."

We must realize each day that everything that happens to you - God IS in control.  He holds this vast universe in His Hands and He is ultimately in charge of the happenings in your world.  Anything bad that happens to you must be permitted by God, if you walk in a right relationship with Him. And furthermore, God knows what is best. 

We often go through trials and tough situations because God is trying to change us, to teach us, and to build our faith.  We are sometimes sick and afflicted, but if its not our appointment with death then, God desires to heal us.  He does not attempt to allow pain in our lives to punish us but to build character in us. God always sees far ahead in our life to the bigger picture. And He knows that only something better is in mind for us.

Relinquish in your heart to trust in the Mighty Hand of God and understand He has our good in mind with what we face at this time.