Grace is not earned or deserved, but it is given freely to all who will but ask. Perhaps the road you have traveled in life has been far from blessed, holy, or good. Maybe you have made alot of wrong decisions, hung with the wrong crowd, and often done the wrong thing. The grace of God says you cannot undo the wrongs you have committed and you cannot change on your own. But God's grace says, "Come to me, just like you are and I will forgive you and wash you clean."
The promises God are for those who feel undeserving of His great love and grace. Jesus gave His life for you, so you could accept Him as Lord and walk in the new freedom He offers you today.
If this short devotion has spoken to you in some way, then bow your head right where you are and pray, "Father please forgive me of the wrongs in my life and wash me clean. Help me to walk daily with you in your amazing grace." Then, send me a note and let me know you asked God for a change today.
If this short devotion has spoken to you in some way, then bow your head right where you are and pray, "Father please forgive me of the wrongs in my life and wash me clean. Help me to walk daily with you in your amazing grace." Then, send me a note and let me know you asked God for a change today.