Sunday, October 6, 2024

Have Courage

The Psalmist prayed, "But Lord, you are my shield, my wonderful God who gives me courage." Psalm 3:3

Courage is found simply in Christ Jesus and a personal relationship with Him. Scripture teaches, God fortifies us against all our enemies. That means we are reinforced and double laced with God's protective care.

No doubt all kinds of trouble and adversarial attack will come your way throughout your lifetime.  There will most likely be times of heartache and difficulty.  But the writer of James said, do not fear or be alarmed or dismayed by the fiery darts of the enemy, but rejoice in knowing that your life is hid with Christ in God. 

And simply for the sole reason we live right before God, we always should expect a surprise attack of the enemy.  Our adversary is certainly out to destroy us, to sift us like wheat.  Scripture instructs that we should not be shocked when our adversary throws obstacles in our pathway or when life gets hard.  Rather, we should be glad in the knowledge alone that we definitely must be doing something right for him to come against us like this.

Rejoicing and finding contentment in hard times is possible although it takes much courage and determination.  We must remember that the Lord is our shield. And when we walk "in Christ" God will thrust our enemy out of our way and protect us.  Surrender your fears and hardship to the Lord today.

Remember 2 Thessalonians 3:3, "The Lord is faithful and will give you strength and will protect you from the evil one."