Monday, December 23, 2024

First Love

You might remember the first boy or girl that turned your head when you were 12. You drooled every time you saw them coming your direction. Your eyes lit up and sparkled and you had this uncanny grin on your face just thinking about them. You thought, "this is the one for me" and you never thought you would feel this way about anyone else. But as time passed, the love grew cold.

It was kindly the same when you first encountered the Lord.  When you first gave your life to Christ, you were very passionate. Nothing could stop you from praying, loving God, or loving people who were unlovely. You desired to feast on the Word of God daily, you listened to sermons online, the Christian radio station blared each time you started your automobile, and you were always reading good Christian literature. You were definitely "in love" with God.

There is no clearer picture of the question of our love for God than what is found in Revelation chapter 2.  The angel of the Church of Ephesus wrote, "These things saith He who holds the seven stars in His right hand...I know thy works, and thy labor, and thy patience....Nevertheless, I have somewhat against you because you have left thy first love. Remember therefore, from whence thou art fallen and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come quickly, and will remove thy candlestick..." (Rev. 2:1-6)

When you first encountered Christ and surrendered your heart to Him there was a sparkle in your eyes.  There existed this huge, deep longing in your heart for more. This is described by the angel as a "first love" experience. And we are called upon to rekindle this flame, to repent and do our first works over again. God truly wants a people burning with passion to do the work of ministry.  

God desires that we discipline ourselves and follow the precepts of His plan for our lives with purpose and destiny. His will for us is to walk in that love relationship everyday and possess an overwhelming and radical fire of the Holy Spirit. Start today and return to your first love in Christ Jesus.