Saturday, December 21, 2024


Everything around us is constantly changing. The leaves on the trees change in color and texture. Highways progress and steadily change. People develop, mature, age and change. But God remains constant and changeless. The God who was faithful to you in times past is the same God (unchanged) today. In Malachi 3:3 the Word proclaims, “I, the LORD do not change..." 

He never gets tired or impatient with you. He is longsuffering. He never forgets (except on purpose) to put your sins into a sea of forgetfulness, no longer to be remembered. He never grows weary of helping you in times of need. He never forgets to provide constant care and protection for you. He is definite, constant, changeless. Hebrews 13:7, "... Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."

God offers you the same forgiveness, the same compassion, the same everlasting love today that He offered you some time back when you refused to accept Him. Jesus stands at the door of your heart, knocking. Won't you let Him in? His love is changeless.

No matter where you have been or what you have done, God & His love for you is changeless. Even when we botch up some  things in our lives, His promise is to rebuild us. "Again I will build you and thou shalt be built O' virgin of Israel..." God desires to rebuild you and make you over, if you will but give Him an opportunity. Lay yourself today at the feet of Jesus and pray, O' God change me.