People of all walks of life said that man could not possibly land on the moon; it was impossible. Yet in July of 1969, Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that first landed mankind on the Moon under Commander Neil Armstrong. What people said could not be done - happened.
Henry Ford was a man in history that was marked by many as a complete failure. He was financially broke on five occasions and most of his early businesses failed. Numerous people told Mr. Ford to quit, give it up, and that it could not be done. Yet today his family owns one of the most successful motor companies in the world.
Mark 9:23 declares, “All things are possible to them that believe.”
Scripture also records the historical happening of many things that seemed unattainable. And as I see it, God is waiting on you and I to believe in the impossible. With man, our situation may seem unfathomable, but with God all things are possible if we walk in faith. He is the God of impossible.
So let your faith swell up within you and arise. Be assured that Christ Jesus is at work, He knows what we need, and He desires that we place our total trust in Him. Scripture teaches, “He is the El-Shaddai, the All Powerful One.” Nothing happens apart from His Purpose and no circumstance is beyond the power of God.