Sunday, February 23, 2025

Seek Earnestly

God desires that we seek Him with a sincere heart. When we misplace something like our wallet or car keys, we search the house diligently to find them. Why? because we are handicapped without them. We need them.

In the same manner, God wants us to understand that we need Him insomuch that we seek Him with diligence. Hebrews 11:6, "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek him." First, it is of upmost importance that we understand that God is Jehovah God.  He is Mighty.  He formed the universe and everything in it in just 6 days.  He created man in the likeness of His image. Nothing is too hard for Him. He is God. 

Second, we must seek Him earnestly, committing ourselves to prayer. Apart from God, you and I are nothing.  Therefore, we must strive to maintain a personal relationship with Him.  We must learn to trust Him in everything for He is God.  He can do the impossible and He wants us to have faith that He will move in situations that may seem without hope. 

When we fail to trust Him and we doubt - we cannot possibly please Him.  But His rewards are rich and plentiful to those who seek Him earnestly and have faith.  Faith is trusting that "God will" although you cannot see the results just yet.  His answer is on the way.  Be patient and remember His rewards are rich.  Trust Him, seek Him earnestly and have faith.