Over the past few weeks, winter is setting in and we have experienced a bit of crisp and chilly weather. This includes some snow flurries and wintery mix. I trust this devotion finds you doing well and staying safe in your travels about town.
It is my understanding that every snowflake is one single ice crystal that falls through the atmosphere often emerging with others along the way. This is symbolic of the unity that should exist in the body of Christ. We are endeavoring to obtain this kind of bond of unity at Harvest and we welcome you.
Just like a snowflake, we should cling to and cherish each other. We should hold tightly to friendships and Christian bonds that sharpen us and bring us strength. We also should gather together for worship, as we see that great day of the Lord approaching.
Each snowflake is uniquely different in design than all others. Thirty-five different types of ice crystals have now been identified. And it is thought that many more exist. As a child, perhaps you sat down with paper and scissors and cut out paper snowflakes on a winter day. It’s almost impossible to recreate the same snowflake twice even if you really try hard.
YOU also are a unique creation of God, one of a kind. God designed you with only YOU on His heart. And He knew exactly what He was doing. Scripture declares in Psalm 139:14, “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are your works, and my soul knows it very well.”
YOU are not limited by age, culture, economics, color of skin, family heritage, or birthplace. Study the human body and look deeply to examine its’ intricate detail. You will quickly understand how exceedingly powerful and incredible God is and how very amazing He made you.