The Lord commands us to act with courage in every situation. Sometimes, our humanity makes that very difficult. It is in those times that we must act as spiritual and not natural.
Joshua 1:9, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." The truth is that sometimes reality breaks us into a thousand pieces. We are fragmented. Life is full of ups and downs, joys and disappointments. We must be prepared to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps from time to time and press onward. Christian virtue demands strength of character, not a life of ease. We must strive to have courage regardless of the circumstances.
Joshua was a warrior prepared for battle who encouraged us with Holy Scripture to "be strong and courageous!" He was a leader who faced tremendous odds against him, but fought righteously to "stand up" when everyone else was backing down. He said, do not be terrified or alarmed by what is going on around you - for it is God who will be with you wherever your feet take you. Joshua was fearless because he stood in a right relationship with God.
Walk with God each day and know your conquests belong to Him. And you will stand courageous regardless of the obstacles that cross your path. Have courage. You are mighty through God.