Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Rejoice Always

As believers, there should always be rejoicing in our heart and happiness radiating from our faces. The word "rejoice" means to put your praise on out loud. Open your mouth and give honor and glory to the God of your salvation. Sing and let the world know that the Lord, He is your God and His faithfulness endures forever and ever.

The Psalmist in Psalm 118:24 declares: "This is the day that the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it". Often, it has been said that happiness is a choice. Sometimes we wake up on the wrong side of the bed and we grumble about everything, when we should truly be thankful. We actually choose the path of our day every morning when our feet hit the floor. Choose to rejoice today that God has planned your future and mapped out your life with blessing and favor.

The Psalmist exhorts: "Let us." In other words, you and I must choose to praise God today and be happy. No matter what is happening all around you, God made this day. Make a choice to open your mouth and sing praises. Think on the wonderful blessings of the Lord each day.

We can dwell on the negatives of our daily life and live in gloom and despair. We can harbor thoughts of how bad life has treated us and all the wrongs that have been done to us, OR we can let life take a different turn by changing our mindset. 

The mind is a powerful tool God created for you to use in your favor. He created you amazing and incredible to choose happiness and peace in your daily walk. So "let us" (do it; move yourself in a positive direction and sing and give God praise) rejoice today and be glad.

The Scripture again gives great wisdom, "Whatsoever things are pure, lovely and of good report....think on these things," Scripture encourages us to ponder the good life. To choose a happy life and positive thoughts. Honor God today that He has graciously given it to you and you are on a mission.