Monday, April 1, 2024

Choosing Happy

It is said, happiness is a choice. But did you know God's will for you is to be completely content and happy?  Proverbs 3:13 shouts, "Happy is the man who finds wisdom, And the man who gains understanding."

Your relationship with God and a discipline to read God's Word can give you wisdom to push through the difficult times of this life.  The Word will breathe understanding into your mind and give you insight to make right decisions in the hard times. When you do not know what to do, God will guide you.

Did you know that happiness is actually determined by you?  It's true.  We decide every morning whether or not we choose to be happy in our present situation.  Now from experience, I know that some happenings in life are not so happy.  

Sometimes it's just hard to be happy when the car won't start, the kids are sick, or you lose your job.  Circumstances and relationships at times can drag you real low, if you allow them to. That's why many experts will tell you that happiness is determined by your happenings.  However, you can maintain a strong relation with God that helps you each and every day to choose and determine happiness regardless of the "happy" or "sad" happenings of daily life.

Psalm 146:5 declares, "Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, Whose hope is in the Lord their God."  Maintain your closeness with God each day and you will find many reasons to choose happiness.  Things happen. Life is full of challenges. But God is timeless and unchanging. He is faithful and you can always count on Him. Choose happiness regardless of your happenings today.