Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Robbed of Hope

The biggest tool of the enemy is discouragement. Your enemy knows if he can rob you of your hope, he has you down and ready to be pinned. You may wonder what your answer is. It is simple: When discouraged, get yourself into the Word. This is where you and I find incredible hope.  Read more and spend more time with God. 

Romans 15:4 teaches, "For whatsoever things were written afore time were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures, might have hope."

There is pain in our personal lives. Physical problems affect our bodies, emotional turmoil comes out of no where without alert. We live in a day and in a time where discouragement is everywhere. Life is full of trouble. But we also face spiritual struggles when we do not spend enough time with God in His Word.

Bible reading increases hope. When you open the Scripture daily to receive the blessings of the Word, you become strengthened in the inner man. The more you feed your spiritual man the Word, the more discouragement runs the other direction. If you are discouraged today, step into the Book of Psalms and be encouraged with praise from the Word.