Thursday, December 19, 2024

His Promises

God's promises are forever. When you walk in a right relationship with God, He desires to give you every petition and every blessing He has stored up for you. He responds to your petition with a yes and amen. There are people you will run into that will tell you this is not true. They will tell you that there is no truth or value to this thought and it is only false prosperity teaching.  But just as a parent loves to give good gifts to their children, God desires to give us the best of everything.  He wants peace and prosperity, joy and happiness to be poured out in abundance upon us.

The Word declares in 2 Corinthians 1:20, "For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the Glory of God through us."

It is certain that God withholds no good thing from those who walk uprightly.  His Promises are sure.  As you seek God's face, stand strong on His Word that declares precious promises of peace, blessing, deliverance, healing, freedom, restoration, and forgiveness.   

Ask God now for the petitions of your heart.  Do not listen to the naysayers, but ask God specifically for what you desire of Him, and then, reread 2 Corinthians 1:20 aloud, as a declaration of your faith.  Stand on this promise.  His promises are for you.