Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Healing Still Today

Often, there are many who question the healing power of Almighty God. But I believe He is still healing today. Many I have prayed for have been Divinely healed by God's power. In fact, I have proof. Because I am a living testimony that God is able to heal your body of disease. And yes, I am going to tell my story again.

When I was 29, my family physician sent me to an Internist after examining me. I was totally jaundice. My skin had turned golden and even the whites of my eyes and palms of my hands were yellow. They knew from my symptoms there was an urgent problem with my liver. They sent me for a series of scans, MRI, x-rays and bloodwork, and told me to prepare for emergency surgery due to my symptoms alone.

The surgeon showed me several scans and x-rays on an illuminated screen that revealed a huge mass that covered my right side. He told me that in thirty years of surgery he had never seen such a young person have such a large mass and that the report was bleak. The next day I was to report for exploratory surgery.

They operated and made a 11" criss cross incision across my abdomen, examined the situation, removed tissue, took biopsies, and drained infection, sutured me back together, and told my husband that if he knew God - he had better start talking to Him. The surgeon said the mass was too large to attempt to remove - it was infused around my liver and pancreas. They sent my lymph nodes to the lab for testing, but said the cancer was too far progressed for treatments like chemo and radiation. My husband was devastated.  He was at his wit's end and fell on his knees in the waiting room and called out to the Only One who was able to fix it, God Himself.

We waited for many days as I lay injecting morphine for the severe pain. My abdomen was swollen up like a pregnant woman. And my husband and the church continued to pray. At first when the results arrived, they refused to share them, but continued with even more testing. Finally after ten days, an internist came to see me and numerous specialists and professionals had absolutely no explanation for the fact that my lab results were now showing no signs of malignancy. These surgeons had seen the mass with their own eyes, they knew what cancer looked like after years of practice, yet God amazingly healed my body. 

Some scoffers may say, well the doctors just made a big mistake. But I believe God still heals disease, "with His stripes we were healed." And I believe He divinely healed my body.  I am still well today - decades later because God is My Healer. I am not special and God does not respect one person over another, but God is the same God for you whatever your need.  He gave me a testimony to share with you that His Healing is still real today. Trust Him for healing over your situation. He does not change. And He is able and desires to heal you.