Monday, March 3, 2025


It is a fact that temptation will at some point cross your path. There will be times when you are tempted to kiss the woman, pack up and run off with the guy, and fly wild off course from the planned out path, but you must remember the spiritual detriment it will bring to you and your house.

Scripture teaches that we guard our hearts. In 1 Corinthians 6:18, the Bible records, "Flee sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside of his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body." 

I encourage you to maintain your moral character and work to develop some good morals, if you find yourself lacking. Infidelity is one of the biggest reasons for divorce today. And unfaithfulness in relationships will break down trust and create a whirlwind of unnecessary ill-fate. Behavior that is less than moral causes you to break promises to those you love because sexual immorality is completely self-seeking and idiotic. And the really big deal is when you engage in sexual immorality (in whatever form) you sin against your own body and separate a gulf not only between you and your spouse, but between you and God.

I encourage you to maintain the spiritual ethics taught in Scripture and you will be blessed and build a reputation of honor.  It is a sad commentary indeed when we willfully lose our families over a few moments of sexual immorality. It's a downward spiral of sin and God is your only hope for forgiveness and deliverance. So always set a guard and keep your heart from unfaithfulness.