Friday, October 11, 2024

Time to Pluck

Have you ever had a splinter in your hand or a thorn in your finger? Ouch. Your hand or finger gets sore and the splinter or thorn can cause inflammation and and even infection if it is not removed? There are people who sometimes come into your life who also will tend to infect you with spiritual disease. They will discourage you and fester infection. Now is the is time to take a stand and refresh your mind. Choose your friends wisely and decide to be new in Christ. This requires guarding your heart. It is time to pluck. And it is a NOW time. 

I am not saying to isolate yourself from sinners because how can we reach them if we do not share time with them. But be careful of those who poison your mind and spirit. The time has come to pluck people from your life that do not promote your spiritual well-being and that constantly interfere with a healthy relationship with God. (Numbers 33:55-56) Remove the splinter. And stop the infection.

People who call themselves Christians will sometimes stop by to discourage you and cause you harm. Their scheme has been conjured up by the enemy of your soul to defeat and to destroy you. They attempt to befriend you, but friendship is not really what they are bargaining for. They would like nothing less than to see you fall by the wayside and die spiritually. But God came to give you life and life more abundantly. 

Therefore, be firm in Christ Jesus and pluck the thorns that cause you inflammation and pain. Distance yourself from those who drag you under. Refuse to lower yourself into being driven by the wind and tossed. God has set your feet on the Rock and He stands ready to assist you in being strong in Him. "Guard your heart for out of it flow the issues of life."