Tuesday, April 9, 2024


Launching a new goal or dealing with a life-change is not easy.  Things like fear and insecurity thwart our progress and can prevent us from moving forward with a positive mindset. When we lack faith or are drizzled with low self image we can get stuck. We must believe in ourselves and also in our Mighty God.

I remember one year we had a heavy, deep snow.  I went outdoors with my rubber boots to help shovel sidewalks and driveways.  The snow was so deep after several steps in, I got stuck and it became very difficult for me to lift my foot for the next step. I was immobilized.

Have you ever felt stuck in life?  Most of us have experienced being stuck at some point in our journey.  When you are stuck, you are temporarily paralyzed and unable to pull yourself out.  Before I committed my life to Christ, I was stuck.  Thank goodness for God’s great mercy and grace.  “He reached down from on high and took hold of me, he drew me out of deep waters.”  (Psalm 18:16)

Once you surrender to Christ, you begin a focused journey and start pushing yourself for improvement.  List some challenges for yourself and strive to meet new goals weekly.  Don’t get stuck or stop for one moment to think about yesterday’s failures, sins or disappointments, but focus on pressing forward with no regrets for yesterday. Move in a forward direction and ask God daily for His help.