Friday, April 19, 2024


We all like gifts. We are like little kids when someone gives us a nicely wrapped package. We love gifts. Scripture shouts, "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." (James 1:17)  If you ever walk the city streets at night where light posts cast shadows of yourself walking you realize how shadows can greatly shift with movement.  These shadows are not stable but are ever moving and changing.

People change with time.  If you run into an old friend you notice right away subtle changes due to age and maturity.  Their hair may be different.  Their face may have aged and they now speak more knowledgable and mature than when they were young.  They have been shifting and changing through the years.

But God is nothing like the shadows that constantly shift and change.  Neither is He like our classmates that constantly change over the years. But He is ever-present and never changing.  He remains constant throughout all time.  He is dependable.  He is unabated.  He is sustained and ceaseless.  He is uniform.  He is steady and perpetual. There is none like Him. He Himself is a good gift from the Father to us.

Your Heavenly Father loves you abundantly and desires to give you only His best gifts. He has already bestowed many blessings on your life.  And every good gift is from God above.  Remember when life shifts and changes, and people do not remain the same - God never changes.  You can count on His steadfastness and stability for all eternity. His sent His Son as a perfect and good gift to you and me.