Sunday, April 7, 2024

Dressed & Ready

When our kids were young there was much procrastination in the mornings about getting ready to go out the door for school.  I remember asking this question more than I wanted, "Are you dressed yet? It's time to go!"

How about you?  Do you ever get up in the morning and take your good-old time getting dressed?  Maybe it's your day off or you do not have any pressing engagements. So you also procrastinate getting ready for the day.

The teachings of Paul shout to us, "You are in a spiritual war, so get dressed for battle. Don't be caught off guard." Here Paul speaks of a continual readiness. 
As you consume and hear the Word, you will begin to be clothed and ready at all times.  You will armor up!

Have you ever watched a football team enter the field without their helmets, shoulder pads, cleats, knee pads and mouth guards? NO. But when the players enter the field, they are ready to fight hard and play to win. And whatever the circumstance, it's extremely important what you are wearing. We must get dressed for war.

Ephesians 6:11 declares, "
Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes."  
God enables us to look fear in the face and yet, remain fearless.  He leads us to get dressed with radical armor that quenches fiery darts, detours sinful spears, and ricochets the schemes of our adversary. 

We are more than conquerors through the Word.  It's time for the fight. So prepare yourself and get dressed for battle.