Tuesday, April 2, 2024

He is Able

God is completely capable; He is an able God. There's an old song that goes like this: 
God is able to do just what He said he would doHe's gonna fulfill every promise to youDon't give up on God, cause He won't give up on youHe's able
God is able to do just what He said he would doHe's gonna fulfill every promise to youDon't give up on God, cause He won't give up on youHe's ableHe's able

When you are sick - you can cry out to God for healing, deliverance and redemption. When there is sin in your life  - you only need to ask and you can be forgiven. You can truly be headed in the wrong direction with only destruction ahead - but God is able to redeem your life and crown you with the kind of change you have been waiting for.

Psalm 103:2-4, "Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all thine iniquities; who heals all thy diseases; Who redeems thy life from destruction; who crowns thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies."  God is My Healer.

God is truly amazing. He is able to take a heart that is broken and repair it better than it was before.  He can heal a body wracked with disease and sickness.  And He is able to cleanse us of all sin and make us new again.

Ask God today for the miraculous in your life. When God forgives, it is the greatest miracle of all.  Please email me and let me know the wonderful blessings God has poured on you.  He is an incredible God who desires to bring about a huge transformational change in your heart.